
Skyler Knight Research Papers

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“Mom,” the young, and at the moment, quite uninterested Skyler Knight whispered precariously, contending not to be too loud, as the considerate boy was indeed inside a library. “Mom,” he called out a little louder, “where are you?”
“Over here, honey” his mother replied, “I’m in the fiction section, we can go when I find a book for your older brother.” Skyler Knight was just one of many in a large family, living in Palo Alto, California. He was at the library because his mom had to find a book required by school for his older brother, Danny, who was the oldest of the five Knight children, about to start 9th grade. After finding a book for Danny, his mother will drive his twin sisters to their first lacrosse practice for the local team, as they just moved away from nearby San Jose, where they started playing lacrosse 7 years ago.
Skyler, now knowing where his mother was, felt comfortable walking around, though he didn’t plan on finding a book. As he walked around, he scanned the sides facing him of the books on the shelves for interesting titles. He passed many, uninterested and unsatisfied before coming across a book titled “Chemistry for Beginners”.
He picked up the book, and before he knew it, he was 40 pages in and heard his mother’s …show more content…

This made them unable to share fears of the government gaining total control, which was correct, as they were planning on doing so, and unable to operate well in society. The government was now unable to be stopped, and thank Skyler, now moving to a woody house in Northern Maine, cut off from cities and the world, oblivious to the mess Zytopium created, as he is the one to blame for ensuring government total control, and he only did it for his own pleasure, so he could enjoy life, so

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