
Similarities Between Franklin And John Winthrop

Decent Essays

John Winthrop and Benjamin Franklin both played pivotal roles in their structuring government, yet were very different in their philosophical views. Winthrop, a Puritan, founded his ideals based on a firm belief in one almighty God. Whereas Franklin, also a believer in a supreme being, founded his ideals on a more scientific ideal. Both men had different visions of government, along with a different view of humanity.

Franklin agreed and signed the Declaration of Independence that stated, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This statement solidifies the right to work …show more content…

He displays this thought process when twisting words that a store owner should not pass losses on to customers when he remarks,“That, as a man may take the advantage of his own skill or ability, so he may of another's ignorance or necessity.“ Along with the man’s claim that if he lost goods at sea, he should be able to charge more for goods he still had to make up for the loss. Winthrop felt that this causes oppression to the people and was unfair. Whereas, the store owner was of better stature than many in the town, he should not offset his loss by charging more to his customer. He was beholden to the idea that the more fortunate should help the less fortunate. Winthrop’s vision was for an equality among people. in opposition to this ideal, Benjamin Franklin expressed that people had different skills, and if they so chose could work as hard as they wanted to make the life they envisioned for themselves. Franklin also identified that people needed to be able to have this freedom, whereas for the most part, they would do good with it not only themselves, additionally others. Therefore, not only helping the community grow, as well as personal satisfaction of taking pride in their work. Thus, inspiring others, along with bringing natural leaders to the forefront for offices. Hamilton perceived the need to keep the people under control, and in a perfect world convert them all to believers in God. While Franklin was more of a free, independent thinker, thus wanting to put more power in the peoples hands. Both men had those who admired and followed them. To this day, our country still struggles with electing those to office who want less or more

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