
Similarities And Differences Between Sherlock And Watson

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Sherlock Holmes and Watson the most iconic duo from a novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, that have been reimagined many times over the years. Watson and Sherlock are both well rounded characters with large differences that depend on each other in their quests to solve many murder mysteries.
Dr. Watson the narrator for sherlock stories is a calm down to earth military doctor who works with Sherlock throughout his investigations his character is dependent on Sherlock for many reasons. In the live action television series Sherlock they made John Watson's dependence on sherlock very apparent. Watson’s therapist thinks he's traumatized from his war in afghanistan after getting shot in the leg. Watson instead very excitedly follows …show more content…

This builds their friendship since watson is the only person to not treat Sherlock like a freak. Watson will often save Sherlock from dangers he put himself into. In the live action television series Sherlock willingly got in the cab with the murderer and almost took the poison out of desperation to outsmart the murder. If watson didn't follow them and kill the murder he could have most likely died. We will never really know if Sherlock was in control of that situation but watson showed up in time to make sure nothing bad happened to Sherlock and got more clues off the murderer. Sherlock has Watson move in for a reason and it is obviously to help Sherlock where he is weak. With watson being more humane than sherlock he can provide a different perspective for cases and clues that sherlock can not easily see. In the television series sherlock, Sherlock and Watson were inspecting a shoe left at a crime scene, Sherlock asked Watson of his opinion about the shoe Watson can only say it has been used, and the size was large, therefore it belongs to a male. Sherlock then commented on Watson's observation skills “An outside eye, a second opinion. It's very useful to me.”. To Sherlock Watson was like and external piece of his mind helping him think up the rest he could not. Watson works as a counterbalance, softening out the hard edges of Holmes’ complex personality. in The Hounds of Baskerville ‘some people see the light,

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