
Should United States Be Involved In Space Exploration?

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“Observing earth has provided G.P.S, meteorological forecasts, predictions and management of hurricanes and other natural disasters, and global monitoring of the environment, as well as surveillance and intelligence. Satellite communications have changed life business practices with computer operations, cell phones, global banking, and TV”. Learning about planets and making new discoveries possibly with NASA sounds real cool and fun, a plus, space exploration is a chance for you to get creative and have fun while making our world better.
The United States should be involved in space exploration because there are so many possibilities and so much to learn and discover. Some people ask “why is space exploration important”? Space exploration …show more content…

“Exploration is instinct to our nature, it is the contest between man and nature mixed with the primal desire to conquer…it fuels curiosity, inspiration, creativity…the human spirit seeks to discover the unknown, and in the process explore the physical and phychological potential of human endurance”. A lot of people ask “Why do the people explore and risk everything they have just to see what’s in space”? The answer is they take big risks because they know that those going to find out what’s out there its making us learn about our world and how to protect it. Space exploration is risky but, it is all worth it because the people going out to explore our solar system is helping our planet and our survival all at one time because the stuff we know today, we know because of the risk takers that wanted to help our world and went exploring and reported …show more content…

“What’s the hurry” is a question that is asked a lot. “Mars isn’t going anywhere, so why should we commit hard pressed budgets for space exploration”? Even though mars isn’t going anywhere we still need to take the time and explore it. Anything can happen to us or mars or any other planet. By us waiting that’s us learning less about our planets and outer space by the minute and risking something happening. Another thing that people are saying is that space exploration is a waste of money. People are saying that space exploration is a waste of money but, many discoveries have been made with major space exploration. Something can always happen to earth, if we discover another planet that we can live on we would have a backup plan thanks to space exploration. Even though there are some downsides to major space exploration there are more good than bad reasons. So overall the major space exploration is an important and cool program to

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