
Should The Electoral College Be Abolished Essay

Decent Essays

The Electoral College has been broken ever since it was put into the cConstitution and it has only gained more problems as political parties grew. The Electoral College is the system that the United States uses to elect their presidents every four years. The system is setup in a way where the popular vote does not determine who wins the election but the amount of electoral votes you get does. Each state is given one vote per Senator and Representative they have in the House of Representatives. Whichever presidential candidate wins more electoral votes in the states wins the entire election, no matter what the popular vote is. The Electoral College should not be completely abolished, but it does need to be changed from its original format. The popular vote should have more influence on the election, political parties should be eliminated, and each state should be given the same amount of votes per population rather than votes per Senator and Representatives. The popular vote of the election process has never been the reason that a president wins an election, and that needs to change. In the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, the popular vote was won by Al Gore by …show more content…

Instead of having the normal way of determining electoral votes per state, there should be a set number of population per electoral. For example every state should get one electoral vote for every 200,000 residents that live in that state. In document 2 it shows the current Population per Electoral (PPE) in every single state in column 4. The PPE for the state of Wyoming is one electoral vote for every 187,875 people while in the state of California the PPE is one electoral vote for every 677,345 people. Even though there are nearly 37 million more people that live in California, it would still make a lot more sense if there was one single PPE for every state in the United

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