
Short Story

Decent Essays

“So you’re the infamous Cipher who managed to hack into Shield’s database,” the man with the eye patch and long black coat said - Avery immediately recognized who was standing on the doorstep. “That’s an interesting code name but then again if the shoe fits…” she replied. “I know who you both are of course, Director, Professor,” Avery continued, nodding to them respectively, hiding her surprise with a self satisfied smirk. Now, Avery was normally good at reading people but she got nothing from the Director other than mistrust and maybe a hint of respect if she was reading him right. But she wasn’t surprised with him being a super spy and all. “Yes, well you have been quite a thorn in the side for Shield, trying to figure who you are, …show more content…

There was no way Fury could know about her mutant powers when she had never breathed a word about them to anyone. But somehow and some way, he did. “She is Cybernetic – a phrase we invented because of her, for I have honestly never seen anything quite like this before. Avery here has the ability to… extract information from any electronic device in her line of sight with her mind. And since her brain is physically different than any normal human’s, super powered humans included, any attempt to penetrate her mind and affect it in anyway is futile. It just simply won’t work,” Professor Xavier said. ‘That must have been why Professor Xavier couldn’t find me but that doesn’t explain how he knows my name’, Avery thought to herself. Any evidence of herself and her existence she made sure to delete years ago, when Avery ran away from the orphanage where she grew up. Although Avery had never tried to hack into electronic devices mentally before, she would have to test that later. She also wondered how the Professor figured out she could do that when Avery hadn’t even known herself. “Her mind also interprets computer code the same way it does English, so she can hack into virtually anything that requires coding as long as she’s physically using a computer or something of the like. The gist of it is that Avery’s mind works more like a computer than a human brain,” he concluded. While the Fury gave her a considering look at the Professor’s explanation Avery froze. “If

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