
Sex Culture And Cultural Identity Essay

Decent Essays

Sex culture in Japan Sex culture in modern day Japan has demonstrated to be an integral part of their cultural identity and is more progressive than any other countries. Japan’s sex culture has surpassed boundaries that are standardized in other countries. The West sees the Japanese as emotionless, controlled and even sexless. Publicly they are shy, reserved and terribly proper, however Japan is an extreme contradiction. If we examine the surface of their culture, the private life of these Japanese people can be a real eye opener. The role of sexuality and more specifically the role of pornography in women’s lives is perhaps the biggest debate among the people from the West. This paper will examine how pornography is gendered in Japan and the effects of this to the West. It will also delve into the Japanese cultural identity and its contradistinction to the American cultural identity. An important argument that people may debate about is the fact that Japanese people have the oddest sexual culture that outstands their cultural identity. Japanese culture identity reveals a cluster of varied practices or activities that they highly enjoy during their pastime, which also appeals to the West. Their identity is able to attract them with very different sexual practices and activities that seem to be a very mundane aspect in their lives. Manabe Kazujumi and Harumi Befu provided important insight into Nihonjinron, which is also known as Japan’s cultural differences. They conducted a

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