
Rosellen Brown Analysis

Decent Essays

No one is quite sure at what exact time reading became more for pleasure than for knowledge, but today, novels are expected to be entertaining and used to relax the mind. What an author cannot do to make their writing entertaining is to sit in their offices all day and churn out page by page of material. Authors must first feel the emotions they describe in order to enable the reader to relate to the text. In order to write an effective piece of writing, an author must first experience and understand their own lives and apply it to their writing in order to be engaging and of use to their reader. Authors can rarely fake effective emotions and portray realistic scenarios in their writing if they have nothing in their brain to draw from, but …show more content…

In her essay, Rosellen Brown expands on the idea that “to me, all reading is escape reading”(Brown 30). Authors cannot make this generalization, even for the fiction genre. Some readers read to understand their own emotions by reading about a situation similar to theirs, and even use skills they read in the book in their own lives. Books can be read for their knowledge, or just for some evidence to back a point. The author is supporting her own bias with this statement, not explaining the truth or even elaborating on how she personally writes. People read about events across the world to stay informed, they read a piece of text that opposes their views to broaden their horizons, and they read these things because they care about them, not because they need to escape. Of course, many novels are used specifically for that purpose, an outlet for entertainment that requires some thinking but is still relatable. Brown does not distinguish escape reading from the various other purposes of reading, and since her essay is backing her point of escape reading, it can mislead authors looking for help and is an inaccurate portrayal of many

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