
Richard Nixon Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, was born on January 9th, 1913, in Yorba Linda, California. Nixon was a Republican congressman who served as vice president under Dwight D. Eisenhower. He ran for president in 1960 but lost to charismatic Massachusetts senator John F. Kennedy. Eight years later, Richard Nixon returned to the race and won the White House by a solid margin (Networks). After successfully ending American fighting in Vietnam and improving international relations with the U.S.S.R. and China, he became the only President to ever resign the office, as a result of the Watergate scandal (White House). On August 8th, 1974, Richard Nixon decided to resign from office because he felt that he no longer had a “strong enough political base in the Congress". In order to leave off a good impression of himself, outline the positive changes that he had made during his presidency, and inform the reason behind his resignation, he delivered a speech. In his speech “Resignation Address to the Nation”, Nixon speaks directly to the citizens of the United States and at the same time tries to indirectly get his message across to the rest of the world. I think Richard Nixon’s speech was effective because he used tools such as rhetorical devices to make his audience realize that he was resigning for their greater good. Right at the …show more content…

President Nixon appeals to pathos by providing America with feelings of hope for the world as a whole. Also, he mentions how the youth of America will bring in a positive change and will be more at peace than past generations. Pathos were used throughout the speech by the president in order to make the audience feel sympathetic towards

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