
Rhs Essay Sample

Decent Essays

Because of my support of Michael and Janeen Damian and their amazing movie High Strung, I have become aware of many other magnificent musicians and artists in the business, and Keith Cullen is one of them. At this point, he is best known for his song "Say Something," which can be heard in the movie and soundtrack for High Strung, and I was pleased that he took some time to answer a few questions about his music, his outlook on the business, and even a hint as to his future aspirations.

RH: What inspired you to become a musician? What kind of training have you had in music?

KC: I chose music--or should I say--music chose me. Music has always been my first love and my passion, and I just feel so grateful that I now get to call this my job …show more content…

This keeps people progressing and keeps things exciting.

How would you describe your style of music?

My style is a cross between pop and adult contemporary. I’m often told that my music is catchy and my lyrics are easily relatable which is the main aim of the music I create.

Where do you get the ideas for your songwriting?

My ideas come from a wide range of places. I like to go through life learning and absorbing as much as I can. For this reason, I have many thoughts and ideas which I can then translate into music. Songwriting is a way for me to express myself and definitely an outlet for a lot of what I am experiencing and feeling.

So how did you get connected with Michael Damian and High Strung?

You could call this “ The Luck of the Irish.” While I was recording the song in a studio in LA, the producer of the movie, Michael Damian, overheard the song as he just happened to be in the same studio and knew immediately that the song was a fit for the movie, and my management team handled it from there.

Tell us about the writing of Say Something. How did you get the inspiration to write it? How long did it take to write that

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