
Rhetorical Analysis of Crash the movie Essay

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"It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something." -Graham from the Motion Picture Crash (2005) This quote refers to the diversity in Los Angeles and how people put up personal barriers and are hesitant to trust others. Crash is a movie that really gets people to look at their own prejudices and to the roots of their morality by showing the hidden racism and prejudices that are very present in our society and even in ourselves today. If this movie were to be summarized in one sentence, one may say that no …show more content…

Anthony is an African-American man who detests white people after he received bad service at a coffee shop. His accomplice Peter, who is also African-American, is man who is more open-minded about prejudices and racial views. Cameron is an African-American producer and his attractive wife Christine and he are on their way home from a party when they are pulled over by Officer Ryan, who accuses them of sexual misdemeanors. Officer Ryan?s partner Officer Hansen just stands there in shock as Officer Ryan inappropriately searches Christine. Farhad is a middle-eastern shop owner who wants his lock fixed, he hires Daniel, a Hispanic locksmith who isn?t trusted by his customers because of his appearance. The reason behind the numerous storylines and variety of characters in the movie is the director trying to get his viewers to see the different walks of life in Los Angeles. By doing this the viewer is able to see how the characters perceive each other. This is vital to the movie because the main message of the movie is how we view others. In relation to the opening quote, I believe the referenced ?we? is speaking about the different people in Los Angeles and how they don?t only fear others but also themselves, and their fear comes from their stereotypes of others. Their greatest fear is the lack of trust they hold for other people. Since they fear the other people and are frightened by what they may do

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