
Rhetorical Analysis Of Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

Decent Essays

Tone Jonathan Edwards write a famous sermon titles “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. In this sermon, sinners all over the world are targeted. They are being warned that god will stand sternly judging their actions. It is also seen in the sermon that the sinners’ punishments will be much harsher than they would think. In order to deliver these messages, Edwards uses three different tones; threatening, cautionary, and unsympathetic. These tones are formed when he uses specific words and phrases that represent those tones. One of the tones that Jonathan Edwards uses is threatening. On page 2 and section 5 there is evidence of Edwards using this tone against “them” or humans. He states “The wrath of god burn against them, their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared, the fire is made ready”. This line is threatening because it creates the scenario that God is brutally punishing them for their sins. The use of phrases such as “burn against them” and “pit is prepared” makes the audience feel threatened. If this line were different, the message would not be as clear. Using this tone clearly shows the anger of god and how they will be punished. …show more content…

There is evidence of this in pg. 3 section 8. It is read that “Preserve their own lives, or the care of others to preserve them, do not secure them a moment”. The meaning behind this line is that a person should protect each other and to follow the rules in order to successfully avoid a sin. Edwards’ use of words such as “preserve”, “care”, and “secure” all represent cautionary. If this line were different, then the audience would only realize that the god is angry with them. They would never get the message that no matter how angered god is by humans, he still would warn them what not to

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