
Rhetorical Analysis Of Reagan's Farewell Address

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The Usage of Rhetoric in Ronald Reagan’s “Farewell Address” Due to the rapidly changing America, in his farewell address, Ronald Reagan expresses the need for unification of America, and America’s culture. In Reagan’s address, he uses many rhetorical devices to advance his purpose of unifying America, for instance, Reagan utilizes tone, syntax, and pathos to portray his pride, hopefulness, and patriotism for America. He uses these devices to show Americans of the unification America needs. Throughout the text, Reagan uses tone to express his pride for America. When he says “But oddly enough it starts with one of the things i’m proudest of in the past eight years: the resurgence of National Pride that I called the new patriotism. This …show more content…

It expresses the diversity of America, and how the no matter how different the people of America are from one another, they have one common want: Freedom. This quotation also appeals to pride, hopefulness, and patriotism, in the way that he describes the way he sees America, a strong city full of diverse people, he sees a country that has been through a lot of conflict and hardship, but nonetheless survived it all. He sees a strong city, and the rest of America does too. Since he uses this imagery to depict his vision of America, it appeals to the reader's sense of pride and patriotism. Throughout his Farewell Address, Reagan employs syntax to advance his purpose of the unification of America, when he says “We’ve got to do a better job of getting across that America is freedom-freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise. And freedom is special and rare. It’s fragile; it needs protection.” he repeats the word freedom many times, which invokes the feeling of pride and patriotism to the audience and expresses that America is a very prominent symbol of freedom, people from all around the world come to America because when they think of America, they think of total freedom. Reagan also emphasizes how Americans need to teach their children of the pride and spirit of America, for the betterment of America’s future society. Moreover, points out three particular freedoms America provides, Freedom of

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