
Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Imagine the look on a veteran’s face as he notices players kneel in disrespect at the sound of the national anthem. Many fans and veterans were disappointed to see Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback in the NFL, refuse to stand while the national anthem was being played. Kaepernick’s actions insulted fans and hurt the sport. When America had no role in creating the racist tragedies, yet it is being disrespected for the incidents. The national anthem protests have not benefited democracy. Kaepernick and his scene has insulted many fans throughout the United States. “If athletes can kneel during the playing of the national anthem, can they turn their back? Can they stand on a U.S. flag or even burn it?” (Merrill Matthew, “Have the national anthem protests been good for democracy?”) This quote is talking about if there is a limit to protesting. Will the citizens and government just sit by and let the United States be degraded by protesters, or will they stand up for this amazing country? If not showing respect during the anthem isn’t offensive enough, then what is? “By protesting the national anthem, they’re protesting America.” (Merrill Matthew, “Have the national anthem protests been good for democracy?”) The fans and citizens that live in this country are all of …show more content…

Although that is true, to what extend can he and other citizens go to protest? “It’s common in protest movements for some to try and push things to the next level.” (Merrill Matthew, “Have the national anthem protests been beneficial for democracy?”) Protests are people standing up for what they believe in, but to a certain extent. People gave up their lives to fight for the rights we have today and our right to protest what we think is right. Should we not give respect to those who have helped us get our freedom? If disrespecting those who fought for our country isn’t the limit then what

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