
Representative Democracy

Decent Essays

The United States of America’s liberation from Britain was an incredible feet, yet afterwards there were many loose ends that needed to be tied up to truly start their independence as a free nation. At the top of that list was to choice and construct what type of government our country would build itself around and from which it would grow for many years to come. There have always been various structures and frameworks, socialism, communism, etc, in which you can construct a country’s government from, but the United States of America picking a representative democracy, or a republic, made this country as great as it is.

To break down why a representative democracy is really the only choice for the United States of America Government, …show more content…

It is stated that in Elliot’s debates, which are a combination of politicians thoughts on politics as well as why certain concept would or would not work in the United States, the document reads “It has been said that a pure democracy is the best government for a small people who assemble in person. It is of small consequence to discuss it, as it would be inapplicable to the great country we inhabit. It may be of some use in this argument, however, to consider, that it would be very burdensome, subject to faction and violence; decisions would often be made by surprise, in the precipitancy of passion, by men who either understand nothing or care nothing about the subject; or by interested men, or those who vote for their own indemnity. It would be a government not by laws, but by men.” (Elliot’s Debate, 1787). This highlights every flaw that is true in a pure democracy, boiling down to the single point that we need to always have someone educated enough to make the important decisions for our nation and not have the risk of citizens acting on emotion instead of fact. In the same way in which communism and social normally have few people choice what is good for the nation, having too many vastly different views can cause the same corruption and revolt inside a …show more content…

A Republic gave the United States of America the most benefits and it fit their needs closer than any other ideologies at the time of the birth of our nation. John Adams once stated that “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” (Adams, 1851). This reveals why our government is the only type that fits our country. Adams explain what this country stands on, and, at the same time, sheds light on concepts that are looked over in the other forms, which would leave large vulnerabilities for years to

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