
Renewable Energy : Hydropower And Solar Power Essay

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1. What does the term “renewable” mean?

The term "renewable" in relation to energy refers to a natural power source which can be replenished on a human time scale. For example, coal and oil may both be replenished but cannot be considered "renewable" sources as the process is not easily replicated artificially and therefore takes millions of years to replace what has been extracted from the earth. The use of sunlight, tides, waves, wind, geothermal heat and biomass are examples of natural power that are considered renewable sources.

2. Which two renewable energy forms did you choose?

I have chosen to discuss two prominent and well known forms of renewable energy in Australia are hydropower and solar power.


Hydropower or hydroelectricity is one of the more mature forms of renewable energy technology and can be found in some form in over 160 counties ("Hydro Energy", 2016). Power is generated when the kinetic energy of flowing water from sources such dams, rivers or waterfalls is directed through water turbines which in turn create electrical energy. There are over 120 hydropower stations though out Australia generating 8% of total energy generation ("Hydropower", 2016).

Solar power

In Australia is not uncommon for homeowners to install solar panels on their roof tops which have the potential to supply surplus energy back into the grid and subsidise the homeowners electrical costs. In some cases the entire energy bill maybe completely offset by the amount

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