
Essay about Relationships And The Importance Of Communication

Decent Essays

Thesis Statement: The success of any relationship relies on one's ability to communicate well. Communication is important in relationships as it allows us to share our interest, concerns, support each other; organize our lives and make decisions; and it allows us to work together. Effective communication is based on the way we talk and listen, how we respond and our body language. We can all learn how to improve the way we communicate. It takes more than words to create a safe, exciting and secure relationship. Too often the signals we send are not those we intend to send. When this happens, both connection and trust are lost in our relationships. When we communicate, we can say a lot without speaking. Our body, our posture, tone of …show more content…

There is nothing that keeps a relationship strong and going healthy, better than understanding and once established communication is created many become more familiar with communication and the different ways we can communicate.. When communication involves talking to our family, friends, people in general, people tend to turn to their others first (partner, spouse, friends etc) when things are not running so smoothly in their relationship. They automatically start pointing the things that is or isn’t doing well. People always tend to turn to their partner first when things are not running so smoothly in their relationship. Remember, it is very easy to see other people's mistakes, but not as easy when taking a look at yourself, it is much harder to accept criticism, even from yourself- because no one wants to be wrong. This is where we need to get real about things. Communication is not about who is right or wrong, but instead about helping each other see things from each other's perspective, so that you can be on the page and avoid any misunderstanding that will cause unneeded arguments. Communication is not so complicated, once there is understanding in addition to understanding what the right way communicating is and what methods of communication works for you and your communication best. Effective communication cannot happen on its own or with the efforts of only one person.

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