
Reform to The Trinity River

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Since the beginning of time, water has played a key role in societies all over the world. The earliest recorded civilizations have all been found along large river valleys, such as, the Indus River in India and the Yellow River in China. Water is an essential part of life; it does not just sustain the life of all human beings around the globe, but also sustains the life of every living thing known to this Earth. All of the major cities that we know today are surrounded by large river systems that supply its people with the means to survive in that region. These rivers also link our different communities together and allow us to prosper, but these rivers are being taken advantage of. Our once great rivers are falling victim to pollution and …show more content…

The Trinity River has always acted as a natural barrier dividing northern and southern parts of Dallas, but this project will connect the two parts of this city that have never had a direct route to the other. Not only will these bridges join together two parts of Dallas, but it will also help to ease traffic along the busy highways of this city. The river will also be transformed into an area where different recreational activities will be held. The West Dallas Lake is long enough that boating, both competitive and recreational, can be held there for all people. The West Dallas Lake amphitheater will be an enjoyable place for the whole family to view special events like the rowing competitions as they unfold on the lake. The many trails and whitewater rafting courses will also stand as an exciting place for activity for all citizens of the city of Dallas. By creating all these new features around the Trinity River, Dallas residents will once again be drawn back down to the river. Citizens will enjoy the river that has given life to their great city for so many years. One of my fondest memories as a child was the time when my father took me to the Trinity River for the first time. I thought the river was dirty and a poor example of a river, but my father

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