
Reconstruction Dbq

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With the death of Abraham Lincoln in 1865, a new president sought to reunite the nation at the end of the Civil war. The presence of Andrew Jackson in the white House took the Republican Party and the newly freed slaves in directions that shaped the way the North made policy toward the defeated south. The process became known as reconstruction, and it remained one of the most controversial periods in all of American history. During this period of reconstruction, was set out to change the south and better the lives of the white and black people that lived there. Upon President Lincoln’s assassination, the nation looked to the new presidents for leadership. Andrew Johnson was unknown to most political insiders, and promised to pursue Lincoln’s …show more content…

Johnson enjoyed a brief period to enact his vision of how to return the South to the union congress was not in session at the time of Lincoln’s death and would not be for several months. Johnson used the opportunity to implement his plan of reunion. In “Presidential Reconstruction” Johnson offered amnesty to former confederates who took an oath of loyalty to the union, restoring their political and civil rights and immunizing them against the seizure of their property and prosecution for treason.( Waldstreicher 2002) By 1866, Johnson granted more than seven thousand pardons to wealthy southerners and confederate senior officers who applied individually for pardons. Johnson plan for political reunion left out any provision for black voting or participation in politics. His plan would give the South even greater national power than it had held before because the entire African American …show more content…

All the southern states except Tennessee, which had been readmitted to the Union after it ratified the Fourteenth Amendment, were divided into five military districts. Once order had been instituted, the state’s constitution had to elect conventions to draw up new constitutions, but those constitutions had to accept the Fourteenth Amendment and provide universal manhood suffrage.( Waldstreicher 2002) Once a majority of the state’s citizens and both houses of the national congress had approved the new constitution, the state could be readmitted to the Union. In order to assure that Andrew Johnson did not undermine the plan , which soon became known as “Radical Reconstruction “ , Congress sought to curb the Presidents power. With no threat of Johnson’s veto after the 1866 elections, the Republicans could do much as they wanted. Congress decreed that it could call itself into special session. It limited the president’s authority as commander in chief of the army, and in the Tenure of Office Act, it prevented him from removing officials who had been confirmed by the Senate. Johnson, characteristically, did not accept such restrictions of his power. When he violated the Tenure Office Act by removing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton in the summer of 1867, many in congress decided that Johnson warranted impeachment .After word of the Reconstruction Act circulated in the spring and summer, both black and white men claimed

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