
Reconstruction After Reconstruction

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The Reconstruction after the Civil war was a tedious process of making sure both sides rejoined the union and recovered from the war without issue. President Lincoln originally began the Reconstruction with the Emancipation Proclamation and the Ten-Percent plan. However, after Andrew Jackson took office, the blueprint was changed to include the “Black Code” and many other state legislatures to still make it difficult for the blacks to live peacefully. On September 22, 1862, President Lincoln announced that after January first of the following year, 1863, any slaves in a state of rebellion would be freed. This did not stir the South much, and the complete abolish of slavery did not take place until the end of the war two years later! Now, fast forward to after the war in May of 1865, The South was administered back in the union, however both the North and the South were in shambles and President …show more content…

Most of the time, the Blacks had to pay a large amount of money for taxes and did not receive much in return. However, black children were allowed to go to school and receive an education. Many of them dropped out after only two or three years however so they could help their families tend the farms. For those who did continue till they were old enough for collage, they did not attend because, one, tuition was immensely expensive and because two, not many collages would accept Black scholars. The Reconstruction “fixed” the United States after the civil war. It gave the Blacks more freedom then they ever had, it reunited the sides, and it proved to the other countries that United States could provide for itself without the assistance of others. Most importantly, it gave the country hope for the

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