
Recommendations for Nike

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NIKE Executive Summary by Lawrence Gimeno Recommendations: Make it count My first recommendation is directed at Nike's push into digital sports. In my opinion the new accelerometer based Nike+ technology is the birth of a whole new generation of Nike products and an amazing innovation to motivate people to include sports into their everyday life. Nike has attained a leading role in almost every one of the upcoming world wide sporting events, such as the 2012 Olympics, the 2012 Soccer Euro Cup, the NFL Superbowl, the 2014 Soccer World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Therefore the time is now for Nike to embed their customers and the fans of these major sporting events in the experience through their new technology. …show more content…

Looking at Nike's current flagship products and their presentations (NFL jerseys, Nike FlyKnit, Nike+ Technology it is obvious that the company is trying to move in the same direction as one company who mastered this strategy – Apple. Furthermore I think that publicly announcing these new product presentations and staging them in an interactive and fancy way as well as making them available for live streaming around the world on Nike's website or Facebook would quickly educate the potential customer and create the same kind of demand like Apple is enjoying for their iPhone, iPad and Mac product lines. Right now Nike is working on the development of a self lacing shoe as seen in the movie “Back to the Future 2” worn by the character “Marty McFly”. The company has acquired 65 patents in the process of constructing the shoe. The release of the shoe is rumored to take place in 2015, the year in which the movie takes place. Personally I see three potential outcomes of this move by Nike. First of all, this technology is applicable to the athletic footwear products as well and could revolutionize the fit of athletic shoes, giving Nike a further advantage over it's competitors by owning a product that is very hard to emulate. Secondly it boosts the brands aura and identity significantly, which leads me to my next point of Nike maybe moving into the fashion industry with this cult object. However Nike has not yet confirmed any of this strategies.

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