
Real Estate Closings

Satisfactory Essays

Buying your dream house or a vacation home is a major decision. Real estate is one the biggest investments most individuals will make in their life time. As the potential home owner, you want to protect your investment. The laws surrounding real estate closings can be complex. As a new property owner want to be certain no surprises or issues arise at the last minute; creating delay of sale or costing you more money. A real estate lawyer can help protect you and your investment.
Benefits of a Lawyer
An attorney for real estate closings can actually help you through the entire buying process. The purchase agreement is one of the most important documents to be signed between the seller and buyer. Having an expert lawyer will protect your best interest as you proceed by answering any important questions or concerns regarding the property you will be purchasing.
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• Mortgage loan documents may seem overwhelming to a home buyer. An attorney will be able to inspect the documents to determine if everything is filled in properly. You do not want a delay in receiving your property due to incomplete or inaccurate paperwork.
• Land surveys should always be conducted prior to home purchase. The survey will help in determining property lines. You do not want any surprises from your neighbors as you move into your dream home.
• Before any real estate closings, a title search should be conducted by an attorney to determine if the property is lawfully allowed to be sold. If the title has lien, judgements, loans, or taxes due, the final sale may not be approved.
• An expert attorney will be able to determine if the title insurance has significant coverage for any financial losses over the property.
• The final step is obtaining the deed which transfer final

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