
Reading And Reading : The Importance Of Reading

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Everyone around me was silently sitting, staring down at their laps. Me, on the other hand, would just sit there and stare at a wall, while humming to myself. I never understood why all of my classmates enjoyed reading books. Correction; I actually just did not understand what was wrong with me, and why I did not enjoy reading like all of the other kids did. Reading never sparked my interest due to many reasons, including; being distracted, being laughed at, and the books I was forced to read.
I am perhaps the most easily distracted person I know, especially when I’m supposed to be working on something. A white wall could distract me for a good five minutes. Once I get distracted, it takes me a while to come back into reality. That’s one …show more content…

I would do this every week during every school year until sixth grade.
It was not that I refused reading and rebelled against it. I went to multiple bookstores with my brother, who loves to read any book he can get his hands on. My parents would take me to Barnes and Noble bookstore and let me pick out whatever book that I wanted, regardless of the price. Being me, I ran up to my parents with the biggest smile, while holding a book. My parents got so happy that they finally found a book that I would read. They took the book from my hands, and their smiles turned into frowns because they realized that what I had chosen was a comic book. They told me to go back and choose a real book to read. This made me furious because it was once again that I was told that I could not read what I wanted to read. They ended up buying the comic book for me because they thought that at least it would be the first step to get me to read. It turned out that it was the first step in order to get me to read. I read the same comic book over and over again, until my parents gave me a chapter book. Except, this was not just any chapter book. This was a chapter book with pictures. From then on, I was given books with less and less pictures, until I read normal word-filled books. The real thing that got me to read, though was my friends. It wasn’t them specifically, it was because of them. During lunch at the cafeteria, they would all

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