
Racial Awareness At Black And Latino Males

Decent Essays

As a leader I envision my school as one where students and teachers come to a place they enjoy entering each day. All share the focus of the school, the belief that all students can become high achievers. Staff is centered on student achievement; no matter what academic level that all students face coming into the classroom. All staff will understand that all children are teachable, even those with learning issues. In order to achieve high standards for all students we must address the issues of race, and have frank conversations with each other. We can no longer avoid conversations about race by sweeping the issues of race under the carpet, or we’ll fail to move forward with our students of color. Many teachers, and students are uncomfortable discussing race for fear of sounding offensive, or racist. Racial awareness is the willingness of educators to listen to students talk about their racialized experiences, to probe for deeper clarity about these experiences, and to seek ways to learn from them. The way in which young Black and Latino males frequently are criminalized in schools and society cannot be ignored, and requires a critical awareness of race and racism (Duncan, 2002, Ferguson, 2003). Interestingly, students in elementary schools have some of the more profound discussions on race issues, at their own level, so their thoughts are there and it should be a part of the conversations about race. An increasing number of scholars have encouraged White teachers to

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