
Qcf5 Unit 510 Lead and Manage a Team Essay examples

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Unit 510 Lead and Manage a Team Within a Health and Social Care or Children and Young People’s Setting

1. Understand the features of effective team performance within a health and social care or children and young people’s setting

| Question | Answer | Evidence | 1.1 | Explain the features of effective team performance | “The top 10 features of an effective team are: * clear purpose; * open communication; * constructive conflict; * effective problem-solving and decision making; * defined roles, responsibilities and accountability; * strong relationships; * systems and procedures; * experimentation and creativity; * measurement and self-assessment; * shared leadership.” For a team to be effective, they need to have clear …show more content…

In this case, the new teams are breaking up established social relationships. Developing teams may also lack knowledge and/or the skill set required to fulfil their job role, and therefore may affect the morale, confidence and/or efficiency of the team. | Bettenhausen 1991, ‘Five Years of Group Research: What Have We Learnedand What Needs to be Addressed’ | 1.3 | Identify the challenges experienced by established teams | Established teams are considered the “norm”. With the staff team, and management, knowing and understanding staff’s strengths and weaknesses and engaging them to the best of their ability. They have strong root connection with established social relationships. Issues arising from established teams include: keeping problems within their own and without input from management which can cause staff divides and they very rarely like change and seem to be more set in their ways. | Bettenhausen 1991, ‘Five Years of Group Research: What Have We Learnedand What Needs to be Addressed’ | 1.4 | Explain how challenges to effective team performance can be overcome | Teamwork is often associated with empowerment, ownership and added responsibility. We assume that individuals would prefer to be involved in decision making, rather than simply being told what to do. While this may be true in most cases, it is not true in all cases. This may

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