
Punishments In Dante's Inferno

Decent Essays

“My Guide and I crossed over and began to mount that little known and lightless road to ascend into the shinning world again.” The Inferno, by Dante Alighieri, is an epic poem, divine comedy, which was written in the 1500’s in Italian. Dante Alighieri lost his mother at a very young age and was exiled from his hometown, Florence when his group, the White Guelphs got into a disagreement with the Black Guelphs. Dante was a writer and greatly involved in politics which influenced him to write this epic poem. The story starts at with him meeting the ghost of Virgil, his idol, who becomes his guide for the remainder of the book and tries to escort Dante to heaven to be with his love, Beatrice. The two men first encounter when Dante is lost in the woods and runs into a lion, leopard, and she-wolf. From there Virgil guides him through the gates of hell and their journey begins. The two encounter many people they know and see the punishments for each sin committed. Hell is divided into nine circles, which they must go through in order to get back to where they came from. “The path to paradise begins in hell.” All people sin, the only difference is the degree of the sin. Can someone really rank the level of sins and the punishments in hell? This vision of hell was acceptable in the minds of many people hundreds of years ago, but …show more content…

A person who commits suicide is not equal to a profligate, or wasteful users. Some of the sins in circle seven are far worse than the others, yet they are mentioned as almost the same. The eighth circle is filled with all the people who have committed fraud and this section is where it should be. There are many ways to hurt and lie to people which they have done, and they should have to pay the price. People now and in Dante’s time should be punished for acting with such a low self respect for

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