
Pros And Cons Of The Supply Chain Of IKEA

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Growth plans and opportunities. Presently, IKEA aims to open 10-20 new retail outlets annually, with forecast of double sales target in a timeframe of five years. These targets can be accomplished through strict control functions and monitoring of inventories to ensure keeping costs at the minimum (Kelly, 2010, p. 3). In fact, in spite of inflation rate and rising cost of raw materials and fuel, IKEA has managed to reduce its average costs by 0.8% in FY2012 (“IKEA Group,” cited in “Strategic Supply,” 2013, p. 4). The product. According to Times of London, 50% of the products of IKEA come from recycled materials. The company aims to create its products out of the simplest and few assembles, without compromising quality and durableness. By having few materials and simplicity in assembly, less transportation costs and fuel are generated (Henry, 2014). Furthermore, “Do-It-Yourself Assembly” can save …show more content…

2014, p. 9 Cultural Boundaries. IKEA is a multinational company that is faced with a diverse culture of customers and employees. This diversity can complicate the supply chain, by altering different approach, strategies and perspectives of the business functions. Standardization in operations, processes and regulations has helped the company in resolving differences and gaps in actual production / business settings(PWC, cited in Mukazhanova, 2014, p. 12). For IKEA and most businesses, outsourcing can bring significant value and advantage. However, close relationship and monitoring must be implemented to ensure success and alleviate differences (Christopher, cited in Mukazhanova, 2014, p. 12).

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