
Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Vaccinations For Children

Good Essays

Cooper Phillips

ENC 1101

Professor Dustin

November 30 2017

Mandatory Vaccinations for Children

The state of Florida has a selection of laws in place regulating vaccinations and vaccination exemptions, but what drives them? Vaccines against meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis are mandatory for enrollment in the K-20 public education system. An individual enrolled in any postsecondary institution who will be residing in on campus housing must provide documentation of these vaccinations. A majority of parents argue that its unethical to force someone else’s child to be immunized, in any situation. There is a request that can be made for religious requirements, and must be presented to the facility or school on the Department of Health’s Religious Exemption from Immunization form -DH 681 Form-. The DH 681 Form is issued by county health departments and is only for a child who is not immunized because of their family’s religious practices. ( The vast majority of parents are so strongly opinionated on whether vaccinations will positively or negatively impact their children, but no one takes into consideration the parents who differ in opinions themselves.

Imagine to the toll it would take on a family who can’t make the decision on whether or not they should immunize their children. One case involving a woman named Lori Matheson of Walled Lake, refused to vaccine her two-year-old daughter, citing health concerns and religious objections. Michael Schmitt, Matheson’s Ex-husband, took her to court over the matter. She asked the court to delay any ruling until she had the chance to follow through with genetic testing on the little girl, to see if she was prone to any vaccine related injuries. Matheson and Schmitt had disputed for months over the issue, before finalizing on the decision to take the issue to court. A 40-year-old Kansas resident and his wife fell into a terrible ongoing conflict when he wanted to vaccine their three-year-old daughter, and she did not. He debated going behind her back and getting their daughter vaccined, and dealing with the consequences later. Shortly after they had to put matters into official’s hands. There are many cases involving parents who follow through with a

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