
Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment

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Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment
Each year there are around 250 people added to death row and 35 executed. The death penalty is the most severe method of penalty enforced in the United Sates today. Once a jury has condemned a criminal of a crime they go to the following part of the trial, the punishment phase. If the jury recommends the death penalty and the judge coincides, then the criminal will face some form of execution. Lethal injection is the most common process of execution used today. There was a period from 1971 to 1975 that capital punishment was governed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. The reason for this conclusion was that the death penalty was considered cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth amendment. The decision was overturned when new methods of execution were introduced. Capital punishment is a difficult topic and there are many different views such as its deterrent value, the religious aspect, the cost of death vs. the cost of life in prison, the morality, the social issues, and the legal considerations.
Religious Aspect (Pro)
The Bible requires the death penalty for a wide variety of crimes, including sex before marriage, doing work on Saturday and murder. If we still lived by this code, several people would be left alive. Even God imposed the death penalty directly for countless wrongdoings. Some of these infractions included: lying about church donations, practicing birth control, wickedness, being abusive to strangers,

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