
Pros And Cons Of Abolishing The Electoral College

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Many people ask themselves this question: should the electoral system be abolished? Some answers are yes, others are no, others maybe don’t know. I think that Electoral College should not be abolished but instead it should be reformed. First of all let’s define what the Electoral College is and how it works. Many do not believe that voters are not well informed about the candidates and cannot make good elections, which is why the Electoral College was seen as a way to help with this issue. “The Electoral College, is the institution (whose members are selected by whatever means the state legislature chooses) that is responsible for selecting the president of the United States.” (Bond, pg. G-4) The …show more content…

The Electoral College has receive many critics as to it “Violates the core democratic principle of political equality has the potential of violate majority rule.” (Bond, pg. 346) and it does because states are not receiving electoral votes and weight on their votes equality, some states as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida have more weight on their votes than states with larger population like California and Texas. This makes me more afraid of the political campaign of Donald Trump and I believe with this process he has most chances to win the presidency, since most people who will not vote for him live in California and Texas. In table 10.7 found in our textbook we can see that the Electoral college have failed the democratic core principle of majority rule in two cases, one was the time when Nixon won the popular vote but Kennedy won the electoral college vote and therefore the presidency, the second case was when Al Gore won the popular vote but George Bush won the presidency by the Electoral college. Some may say that this failure to choose the president is not too bad at all since it has a low percent of failure to choose the same candidate who won the popular vote, but still it violate majority

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