
Princess Paris Crash Ethos Pathos Logos

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In the article, “Princess Diana Dies in Paris Crash,” it consists of ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos means expert. Pathos means emotion. Logos means logic. The ethos in the article is BBC, a news broadcasting station. BBC received information on the car crash and received quotes from close family quickly because they remain located in London. In the article it says, “In a statement Buckingham Palace said the Queen and the Prince of Wales were “deeply shocked and distressed”.” In the article it states, “Hundreds of mourners have gathered at the princess’ London home, Kensington Palace, and many have laid flowers at the gates.” This statement from the article shows emotion because people, that express sadness, come together to pay their respects to Diana by laying flowers at the gates of her home. Logos expresses facts and specific details like, “Al Fayed and the chauffeur died at the scene but the princess and her bodyguard were cut …show more content…

Queen Elizabeth, Diana’s mother-in-law and the grandmother to William and Harry, appears to be the ethos in this article. In the article she says, “So what I say to you now, as your queen and as a grandmother, I say from my heart.” She expresses emotion, pathos, by using the words “sadness,” “initial shock,” “anger,” and “disbelief.” In the article she says, “We have all felt these emotions in these last few days.” She says “we” because the entire world has paid tribute and expressed sadness from the news of Diana’s death. This article expresses logos because she uses dates and times. “This week at Balmoral, we have all been trying to help William and Harry come to terms with the devastating loss that they and the rest of us have suffered.” This article hits the mark because Queen Elizabeth talks about how her and her family feel and how they appreciate all the tributes the world has given them, she stays on the

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