
Prescription Drug Price Transparency Case Study

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The EpiPen is only one out of numerous lifesaving medications that pharmaceutical companies have increased the price to an amount that the average consumer cannot afford. As both a concerned constituent and a health care provider, I would never want people to have a lack of access to medications that could potentially save or improve their quality of life for any reason. It is now imperative that the government on all levels demand transparency in the cost to create and manufacture medications and also enforce drug price controls. Senator McEachin, this is why I want you to co-sponsor and support Senator Emmett Hanger’s prescription drug price transparency bill (SB487). This bill will require drug manufacturers to give information on the cost of research and development, manufacturing, marketing, price changes, and profits for each prescription drug sold in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a wholesale cost of $10,000 for a single treatment course (SB487: Prescription drug price, n.d.; Silverman, 2016). Pros and Cons Pros …show more content…

It would also make it easier for the government and consumers to hold drug companies accountable for unjustifiably high medication prices. It could also make it easier for the introduction and passing of additional bills requiring caps and controls on drug prices. This bill is a start to help decrease or stop the price hikes on medications from pharmaceutical companies and in return make it more affordable for Virginia’s to purchase the medications they need. The prescription drug price transparency bill will support our mutual ideology that affordable health care and prescription medications are not a privilege but a human right (The Issues,

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