
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about PTSD Thesis Statement: We hear about it in the news, papers, and small town chatter; be we don’t really understand what it is. It affects the victims mind, body, and people around them; I want to inform you all about this disorder, and what it does. INTRO 1. I am going to say a word and just think about what pops into your head, what do you associate it with? PTSD. A. How about anger, irritability and emotional detachment? 1. Anger, unexplained irritability, and emotional detachment are the most common traits of PTSD. 2. These are common because of the high level of stress that is put on the suffering person. …show more content…

Therein lies the problem you become numb and unfeeling. 12. When your mind blocks it out, it is essentially just shutting down your emotions like a light switch. However, it doesn’t know when to turn it back on. It could be days, weeks, months or even years before your mind will allow you to be capable of emotions again. H. The emotional aspect of PTSD can cause a number of issues in the life of the suffering person. 13. When a person becomes unable to feel emotions anymore things and people that once were extremely important become minute. 14. It can cause a rift to form in the family, in relationships and among the friends. I. The only way that this issue can be resolved is surprisingly by what we all used to do as little kids, pretend. 15. In a recent session at my Veterans Affairs clinic I was told that basically one has to pretend to care about everyone and everything around them. 16. You do that and then it eventually becomes second nature to care and feel again for what matters to the individual BODY #3 4. Another hardship of the disorder is the constant state of being “on guard”. J. For some service members, their deployment is in such a bad section of the world that you are forced to constantly lookout for any hidden dangers. 17. What I mean by this is like when you’re on a convoy, it doesn’t matter what your job is in the

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