
Political Corruption and Empowerment

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Description of participant and empowerment 1 3. What it meant by the bureaucracy 1 3. Why mass participation and empowerment are important 2 4. Why the concept of mass participation has been elusive in the third world 3 5. How mass participation and empowerment are promoted or discouraged by the action of the bureaucracy in my area 4 & 5 6. Conclusion Student number : ASSIGNMENT 3 INTRODUCTION The influence of the bureaucracy on mass participation and empowerment, how mass participation and empowerment are promoted or discouraged by actions of the bureaucracy. PARTICIPATION Participation is dynamic process aimed at involving the masses …show more content…

Aid allocations need to increase if meaningful solutions are to occur. Making the rural poor involved in empowerment and participatory programs is hard to achieve due to their social exclusion. The gap between the poor in rural areas and those who are more wealthy is large and widening Because the rural poor are socially excluded, often development organisations such as the World Bank think of the poor are ignorant and complacent. More often they are not excluded from participating in projects in a meaningful way, due to pre existing biased views that they are not worthy, or indeed, have the skills to participate effectively. (Courtney et all in Godinot and Wodon (ed). 2006. 3). Lack of empowerment amongst rural people leads to their vulnerability and thus most development projects tend to benefit the benefactors rather than the beneficiaries. In light of this sustainable development is not achieved because non-participation of local people means that rural development is not self-sustaining. Therefore, local rural people play an important role in rural development because they understand their situation and problems better than the government, aid agencies and other stakeholders. This highlights the gap between the reality and ideal of empowerment and participatory development where the poor themselves are considered the centre of the process and the most vital players. Rural areas in developing countries

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