
Police Brutality And The United States Essay

Decent Essays

Being a minority in the United States has never been easy and does not seem to be getting any better. Minorities have been exposed to violence by law enforcement for many decades. Law enforcement 's are tasked with protecting and serving its citizens, not to harass and assault them. Police brutality is a continuous problem in the United States and officers need to be accountable for their actions. This research project will examine how police brutality often leads to death because of some officers ' unnecessary physical aggression and poor judgment, some incidents leads to unjust shootings, and finally, the misconduct of police officers. By understanding how police brutality is increasing and the violence that comes with it, police officers can then receive better training and learn how to gauge certain situations to avoid use of violence and abuse their power. Violent physical assault on a U.S citizen can be gauged as cruel and unprofessional. Police force should only be used if it helps with an arrest or if they sense their life is in danger. If a citizen is resisting or attacking an officer, then force would be acceptable to a certain extent. Even if there was resistance, the officer could easily restrain the citizen in other ways as a result of proper training. When police officers have the numbers to help arrest a citizen the use of force, should be avoided as much as possible. When the citizen is already in custody and cuffed, then the assault should stop immediately

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