
Plagiarism In The Workplace

Decent Essays

In this paper, every opinion from somebody who is not me has been acknowledged placed in a parenthetical citation placed the end of the report. I’m aware the mere existence of a parenthetical citation does not avoid plagiarism, how I don’t know. If I have used the exact words, Similar to this statement. I write this now, phrases, clauses, or sentences of someone else, I have enclosed the information in quotation marks. If I have summarized the opinions of someone else, which I have, I have not enclosed the summary in quotation marks, however I have stated those opinions in my own words. I have also introduced the summary and used a parenthetical citation to acknowledge the source, possibly. All factual information and fictional information, …show more content…

Imagine, disinterested reader, a young adventurous boy wearing a towel on his head, with unopposed sonic turbulent powers. He would shout the unforgettable words which annihilated his adversaries, the fabled and feared “arcane missile projectile.” He would alter this phase until he couldn’t withstand his own agonizing might. I had a dream an exemplary skeleton with circlets around his boney fingers attempted to eviscerate me with an intimidating knife, however I emerged victorious. At this point the reader might be questioning what this involves with independent video game development, well, nothing, however, I believe this became an autobiography about my demented mind’s thought process. Thank the reader for reading this masterpiece, yes, I completely acknowledge how amazing this is, I’d would enjoy thanking myself, De-evolution, Talking Heads, and my mother for making this all possible. I ask the reader if the reader thinks this long enough? Irrelevant, I implore the reader to like, comment, and subscribe for more research papers similar this one, however correlates with my favorite however. In conclusion, creating an independently developed video game, you must focus on the development, marketing, and publishing it or it will not …show more content…

When you conceptualize your idea, write down the basic concepts of your game, this will prevent you from losing sight on your original idea and support you throughout the development. It’s necessary to take risks, you can grow and observe what will work, however, one should not create a simple concept too complex. Appropriate planning for each step of creating your game is necessary to maintain concentration on your game. For your game you should construct prototypes to test what would work in your game, and what would not work. Having a test group to communicate with you and show you feedback on your game is stupendously required, a large test group will propel to you what can and cannot

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