
Plagiarism In The United States

Decent Essays

It was not until 18th century, that the word plagiarism came to designate in intellectual theft (Peter Ackroyd’s). According to the relationship to this paper, plagiarism is one of many classification that constitute academic dishonesty. In the education program, plagiarism is the most common among student, but there are different ways to plagiarism. This paper will discuss plagiarism and various way plagiarism can be committed. Many students in the United State have something in common, which is to procrastinate. As a college student, I don’t have time to do everything on time. Students may have poor time management skills or they may have poorly for the time and effort required for research based writing, and I believe they have no choice …show more content…

On the other hand, many students do not have the knowledge of the punishment that they can receive has a college student. In an Article of Baylor School said: any student who plagiarizes will likely receive a 0 as their final paper grade and students who are convicted of plagiarism will also receive specific final warning and will suffer expulsion if they are convicted of a further honor offense. Colleges and universities take plagiarism every bit as seriously as any school around the world, and they assume that students know, or should know, how to avoid it. Students may be suspended or expelled from college for plagiarizing. They may also have their diplomas revoked after they have graduated. Therefore, students who does plagiarism don’t think that they are going to be caught with doing a felony like this. But neither that they know that teacher are professional on all those areas as plagiarizing. Plagiarizing is the largest case that there is in today’s university. They are approximately around 66% of 16,000 students from 31 prestigious U.S. universities have cheated at least once, says Rutgers University study. TERMINA ALGO PLEASEEEEEEE! AND THANK YOU. I’M TIRED. In summation, exploring plagiarism and some ways people are able to commit it; one can understand how an ethical this is in the area of academic. I believe committing plagiarism is wrong due to my devout practice. One may see the act of plagiarism as something small especially if one doesn’t get

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