
Physician-Assisted Suicide

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Physician-assisted suicide is one of the most controversial topics in the United States and other parts of the world today. Assisted death allows mentally proficient, terminally-ill adult patients to request access to life-ending medication from their physician. This type of assisted death is promoted by organizations such as the Death with Dignity National Center, who advocate for countrywide advances in end-of-life care and extended options for individuals near death. Although there are various arguments that state it is both immoral and unethical, physician-assisted suicide is a viable and honorable method to provide end-of-life options to the terminally-ill and to provide better support, relief, and comfort to dying patients. This topic …show more content…

In majority of the cases where patients requested help with their demise, the diagnoses included cancer, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and various neurological diseases. The article states further that primary patient concerns, while typically nonphysical, included being a burden on their families and caregivers, loss of control of physical and mental capacities to function, being reliant on others for personal, private care, and diminished self-esteem and dignity. The chief conclusions drawn from this study include that most individuals requesting life-ending prescriptions from their physicians are doing so with primarily intangible, nonphysical worries in mind. Perhaps more surprisingly, most physicians do not consult their work-associates regularly about these appeals. Without guidance from other physicians and regulations verified by higher authorities, there is reason to question how doctors are able to guarantee both quality and equality in the assessment of patient appeals for physician-assisted suicide. This article both stresses the desire for dignified death by individuals suffering from terminal illnesses and the importance of having the practice regulated to protect both patients and physicians …show more content…

According to the Death with Dignity National Center, basic eligibility requirements for physician-assisted suicide include that a patient must be “18 years of age or older, a resident of Oregon, Washington, or Vermont, capable of making and communicating health care decisions for him/herself, and diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to death within six months.” Fortunately several steps are set in place to make that patients are deemed appropriate for the end-of-life medication such as requiring that a minimum of two physicians confirm that all of the mentioned criteria have been met. Furthermore, two verbal requests that are separated by fifteen days, one written request made in the presence of two impersonal sources, the ability to repeal the request at any time, and the requirement that the patient must be able to self-administer and ingest the prescription independently protect individuals from coercion that would hasten their death against their will. Physician assistance for the dying would not be appropriate in cases where an individual is unable to make the decision independently with full understanding of the choice and its consequences. It would also be unfitting in cases where it is not the individual’s will to end his or her own life, since one of the

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