
Persuasive Essay On The Crucible

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All eyes on them, some even with tears, and the three thick ropes with a noose on each end. They dangle there waiting… This was happening now, it was really happening. His heart was beating out of his chest and his palms were sweating, as he stepped up, step by step until death itself was palpable. As he looked out into the crowd, he felt the rope being placed around his neck, then as the rough rope got tighter he could feel the relief of his sins. He knew he was doing right by god, he was ready. As they said their prayer in unison, one by one the floor beneath them all was swept away and all that was left was the three bodies hanging silently.
In the play, Arthur Miller wrote called, The Crucible John Proctor says "Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” (Miller 143). He had a very strong belief that if his name was blackened there is no reason to live. John Proctor also chose to die because he could not double cross his friends, the fact that he has three children, John could not raise his children to walk like men in the world if he himself was not a true man. Therefore, for the sake of his name, reputation, and his kids John's decision to die was a heroic one.
To begin, family life and friendship was very important to John Proctor, husband, and father of three. If he lived then he could not possibly raise his kids to be men in the world if he himself was a fraud of a man. He wanted to teach them that they should stand up for what they believe in and not give into pressure by others in life. By dying, he taught his kids that not only was he a honorable man, but he also was a good example of standing your ground and doing the right thing. John Proctor is not a man known to go to church often, but he must of remembered this quote from the bible: "No one has love greater than this that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends"(John 15:13). This quote means that someone who surrenders his or her soul for their friends has lots of love, and by dying and standing up for what he believed in he taught his kids a valuable lesson.
On the other hand, someone may say John’s decision to die was

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