
Persuasive Essay On Less Homework

Decent Essays

Are you tired of hand cramps, of your family wanting you to spend more time with them then you should start a petition at your school with this general idea, less homework. Homework for school has been here for a while and it seems to just get harder and harder, because it does. If the teachers in each of you classes listen to the metaphorical rule, 10 minutes of homework a night and multiply by your grade level. Which is basically telling you that when you get to high school that you should get at least 2 hours of homework a night. That is crazy that means around 8 hours of sleep and another 8 for school plus 2 of homework and at least 1 hour of your own time, then add around another hour for dinner. By high school school is alone taking more than a third of your day, then all of the other things mentioned add another hour for hygiene, then boom you got three hours left of your day until you go to sleep to start another day of that life untill your done with school! And apparently all of these schools think that isn’t wrong and that its practise for life when if you are working a normal shift it is usually taking at most 10 hours on a normal job like at a restaurant leaving around 5-6 hours of home time, double the amount the end of school career gives you.

Homework for most kids is the worst thing in the world, parents say …show more content…

Even though if you petition at a school and get most of the students there is little to no hope that it will happen sadly, if it did happen then that is great you have all of the benefits that were stated in this essay and you are probably living the dream. If you now start a petition then you should at least consider adding these few things to it. Remind the benefits of no homework like less stress, more family time for the teachers and students, if it's optional then you can get better grades because if you don’t do it, there’s no harm

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