
Persuasive Essay : How Homework Is Successful To Students

Decent Essays

Homework is a good way to show what you learned in school and see what you learned. Homework is beneficial to students because it helps them with their their time management skills later on in life. Management skills will help them to see what they learned in school and see if they can do it at home. Another way homework is beneficial because it teachers students doing their own work independently. Homework is beneficial to students because it is a key to success and a key to adulthood in the future

Homework is an important job for a student because it shows time management skills. Homework shows if a student is learning something in class, and see if a student learned enough so they can do work by themselves. “Homework prepares students time management skills that will help them the rest of their lives”. (“Supporters argue” 1) Homework is beneficial because it is long team of planning and helps students in the future. “ Long term planning, projects and deadlines are a key part of adulthood”. (“Supporters argue” 1) Homework helps students Financial plans in the future. An example would be if you don't pay taxes for your house the bank would take your house away. If a student's doesn't do his or her homework their grade will go down. Homework is beneficial because it is a successful way to academics.

Statistics show that 58% of parents think that homework is just right, 19% that it is too much, and 23% show that it is too little. Homework teaches students to work

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