
Persuasive Adverts

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'Yet another rejection! I thought she kinda liked me. I mean, she smiled at me, laughed at my jokes, chatted to me all the time. Maybe she was just being nice, after all women want a guy who is confident, good looking, stylish, the ones you see in movies or on aftershave adverts. Not poor, gawky-looking guys like me'

He continues to go over the events of last night, trying to work out if she really liked him or whether she was just leading him on, then crushing him for her enjoyment. It wouldn't be the first time he had fallen victim to this. On his way in to work his dead end job at the local leisure centre, he continues to lay into himself, head down, eyes on the pavement as he aimlessly kicks stones and conkers. A few paces ahead of him something drifts to the ground. It's golden, shiny and about the size of a credit card, but more flimsy. Stirred out of depressive daydreams for just a second, he rushes …show more content…

You are the the lucky winner of the one of a kind Pussy Pass! From this point on, your life will never, and I mean never be the same. Wipe that hand clean, put back that bottle of lotion and put away that fleshlight, because you will never need a substitute for pussy again! The Pussy Pass is a revolutionary new device that will completely change the way guys "pick up chicks." No more flirting, no more having to buy drinks, no more having to wine and dine, no more even having to date! Heck, the owner of the Pussy Pass doesn't even have to deal with rejection any more. When you reveal the Pussy Pass to a woman, it uses completely new and revolutionary technology to release a hypnotic wave, affecting everyone in a 10m radius. The woman it is pointed to specifically will behave however you want, and do anything you ask her to. I mean it, anything. Well, that effect will only last until you "finish" on or in her. During this time, everyone else affected will simply continue their day, however they will forget that you or your target exist at

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