
Perspectives Of Marjane Satrapi's And Anja Spiegelman

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Now we will examine what is the reader’s perspective towards Marjane Satrapi’s and Anja Spiegelman’s life after their personal history? In Persepolis (The story of childhood) on page1 in panel 4th it shows that the year 1980 it made to wear veil obligatory forcefully. In this panel we can see that when that woman is giving veil to wear girls is not unhappy also it continues with panel 1st that no one in Marjane’s friends was happy which we could see from their body posture. Especially with Marjane Satrpi she didn’t even show herself in a panel which shows most powerful unhappiness again obligatory of veil. In Persepolis 1(The story of childhood) in last chapter Marjane’s parents decided to send her to Austria because they didn’t wanted Marjane Satrapi to execute in religious belief which will going to harm her. Their intension to send Marjane to Austria (Far from her personal history) was for her safety and also keeps her away from forceful religious beliefs. But what I will say …show more content…

But then Anja started to become a strong person because Vladek told her that, “He needs her so she needs to live with him”. After her personal history gone in past she decided to start her new life with her left over family and future family. That we can see in Maus 2 on page 114 in panel 3rd Vladek told that, “He wanted to stay in Sweden but Anja instated to be with the only one brother who survived from their personal history.” From this conversation we could conclude that Anja was become weaker emotionally about her family and she wanted to be with people from her family. May be she was scared of losing that person as she lost others. Then in 4thPanel Vladek’s status prove statement about losing person. Vladek said to Art that, “Anja started to die a little from death of her only one brother Herman who left from personal

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