
Personal Narrative: The Great Outdoors

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The Great Outdoors The sun was glistening through the tall, swaying pines. To the right of the trail, a gentle river flowed softly down towards the mouth of the lake. Walking across the rickety wooden bridge, I inhaled a deep breath of refreshingly crisp mountain air. The sun beat down on me as I made my way across the bridge and back onto the well-used hiking trail. The ambient sounds of chirping birds, babbling water, and the croaks of several frogs filled my ears as I made my way around the bend. As I entered the mouth of the forest, I could see my father standing in the middle of the path, glancing upwards, taking in the beauty that had began to engulf us. “We better get going.” he said, looking back at me. “There’s still many miles to go.” I smiled and turned, taking in one last view of the beautiful creekside. Then, with determination, we set out to finish the challenging trek we had started. Aside from memorable conversations and quality time with dad, hiking has affected my personality in so many different ways. By hiking and getting outdoors, I’m challenging not only my body, but my mind as well. Many …show more content…

It has also brought me closer together with my family and friends through support, kindness, and conversation. Being in the outdoors and participating in hiking has also molded my character. It has taught me to be focused, driven, and dedicated; not just during a hike, but during anytime in life that I may be pursuing a dream or goal. I feel very blessed to have grown up in a family who has created many pleasant memories in the wilderness. Hiking is a lifestyle for me now and it’s taught me so many important life lessons without me even noticing. I’m glad I’ve had so many wonderful experiences in nature and I know that I will continue this tradition with my father for many years to come, because there’s still many more miles to go and more adventures to chase

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