
Personal Narrative-Painted Girl

Decent Essays

Painted Girl put her bags down on the counter, tired from a long day at work. Tizio was great. He’d taken her to his uncles place and they’d spent a wonderful day ordering things from his antique store. She looked around the kitchen. Chinese takeout littered the countertop but no one had cleaned up. She picked up a note.
Wonderful. She’d brought Sarah to help her, not… frolic her time away with John. She picked up the half eaten plates and walked over the sink. She flipped a couple of switches hopefully and tada, it did! It had a garbage disposal. How she’d love to have one in her kitchen. She’d refinished her bathroom a few years ago but they just hadn’t gotten around to redoing the kitchen.
It was on Grandfather’s list. …show more content…

She had what she wanted. She continued talking to Karen in Kiowa and offered to have lunch with her.

John shook his head and headed back to the bedroom, forgetting the reason for leaving it in the first place. He walked over to the bed admiring the naked lady laying on it.
“Man Sarah, that Painted Girl is a tight one,” John said caressing her leg. “She’s fun though. Her face puckers when she’s embarrassed.”
Sarah rolled over and looked at John. “She’s a virgin.”
“That I gathered. An endangered species here in New York. What is she, thirty?” John snickered. “Prude.”
“Naw, my brother is just slow,” Sarah informed him.
“She’s dating your brother?” John asked. “Mmm,” he rubbed her leg, making his way up her thigh. “I guess they just don’t make horny genes like they used to. In my day, I’d of had her jeans off in 5 minutes flat.”
Flustered Sarah jerked John’s head down and gave him a kiss.
I must try harder. I have to keep him interested.
“Oh, man, I forgot the beer. Keep that thought will ya?” John asked as he jumped up and left the room.
Left for a beer. Ugh. She flapped her arms out on the bed with a huff. What can I do that would be so erotic and unusual that he’d only want me? What do all men want? Oh, yes- Ursula. Sarah

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