
Personal Narrative: My Hero's Journey

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What would happen next?! She began to go down, she put one foot down on the next step. The ladder began to wobble Chu-yi, holding on tightly stops moving ,and the ladder is still. Chu-yi knew that could have been bad. She makes it half way down the ladder while her heart is beating like a drum. Chu-yi starts to hum the swift birds's song to calm herself. Bang, Chu-yi hears the sound and hurries down the ladder. The ladder wobbling more and more with every step. As soon as Chu-yi notices she stops, but the rickety old ladder keeps wobbling. Cu-yi thought she should better just keep moving and thinking she should have told her parents and maybe then then she would be saved. Chu-yi was thinking so much she almost dropped her backpack, since she was distracted. Chu-yi kept it on and thought about what would happen when she gets down, but then she hears something that made her freeze. …show more content…

Chu-yi was about to ask who the lady was before she was interrupted by a child next to the lady. "You can call me Jay and this my grandma," exclaimed Jay. Jay's grandma mostly called Mrs.Wong was a very kind lady she always had her hair in a nice little bun. J's grandma was a mysterious woman she was thought to know the mysteriousness of the mountain. This was true, she did know ,but when she told J her stories J thought that's all they

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