
Personal Narrative: Memoir

Satisfactory Essays

Mya knight Mrs. Faris Per:8 Memoir I was in the car with my family heading towards the lake to go fishing. The car ride was long and boring. Half through the car ride we stopped at a gas station so we could get some gas. After we got gas we went back on the road and I fell asleep through the other half of the car ride. Finally we had arrived at the lake. But there wasn't just a lake, there was a giant park and a hiking trail. When we found a parking spot we unloaded our things and headed towards the lake. There was a lot of people fishing around the lake so it took a little bit to find a spot to set up at. After about twenty minutes we found a small spot that also had a picnic table. We started to set up our things by starting with putting our basket filled with food on the table. Then putting our fishing poles together and setting some chairs up. …show more content…

It took about twenty minutes for before the a fish was attracted to our my bait. I pulled in my line and aw the fish i had caught. The fish was blue, green,yellow, and greenish. After I unhooked it from my line I put it in a cooler and waited for another. I waited for about fifteen minutes and my brother had caught a bigger fish than mine. The color of his fish was grayish

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