
Personal Narrative: How The Journal Changed My Life

Decent Essays

Did the journal changed my life or the way I lived it, not particularly. Before this project started I would write almost every night anyway, not necessarily in a journal because I prefer typing to writing as it feels less permanent and certainly more changeable but the journal I used for the project was my actual one, with entries in it long before the project was assigned. Carrying the book around your neck was a bit overkill, but I have always carried a notebook with me. Over the summer I went to Philly almost every day and I filled up about 3 notebooks full of random thoughts because everyday on the train I would have to wait 20 minutes to get to my stop at 12th 13th and locust so I could go to work and during that time I didn't really have much …show more content…

The idea of writing is not a new concept but before this project it never felt like I was writing for anyone but myself, which is nice. It's the same type of feeling that you get when you take care of your skin, like you don't have to do it, nobody's forcing you to put on a face mask, but you do it because it feels nice and it feels cleansing. That’s my problem with this project, it makes writing a chore. Something I have to write in my planner, something I have to factor into my day. I hate that. Maybe some people don't write and needed a push to get started or to try it, I mean I’m not gonna say its the worse thing ever but its not compatable with me. I just don't think forcing me to do anything will make me want to do, I’m stubborn, I always have been and I’ve always hated following directions, the whole problem with authority, but forcing me to do anything will inevitably make me resent it. I guess that's just a character flaw, one of many but I

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