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Xavier Borbor May 3, 2012 CORC 3101 The Harsh Realities of Life In Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi explores the realities of her native land. She begins the story as a intelligent young pre-teen with a promising future. As she grows older she sees how cold the world is outside of her homeland as she lives through a near self-destructing phase of her life. She is capable of catching herself in this free fall with the help and guidance of her family a little while after returning home. In the story, her country continuously is fighting from freedom all the while she’s searching for her own identity. Throughout the book there are various things going on that can alter an individual’s point of view in search of their identity. To understand …show more content…

In reality there are no in between. A woman cannot be seen walking the streets with a man who is not her husband or else she would be viewed as a prostitute. They are obligated to not make any formal communications with the opposite sex because if they did they would be viewed as sluts and whores. With the new regime gaining control of the country everyone’s lifestyle had to change. All bi-lingual schools must be closed down. They are a symbol of capitalism. Of decadence. This is called a “Cultural Revolution” (Satrapi 4). Those were words spoken by the Shah. The transformation happened overnight. The country was divided once again. People wanted the freedom to be religious at the same time maintaining a modern lifestyle. The country was divided for and against the war. Those against the war were in possible danger of losing their lives if the government found out about their political views. The government controlled the power and held the citizens oppressed. Dissident political activism, absent for seventeen years among college students, has resurfaced in the Iranian political scene as of early 1997. (Mashayekhi 283) The Cultural Revolution has returned. Similar to the revolution of 1980 that lasted three years this revolution began with the protest of freedom of press after the shutdown of the Salaam. It seems like a never

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