
Participation Backwards In Childhood

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Imagine getting a reward for everything you did in life. This is becoming a reality for children being raised in our country in this time of day. We want to spoil the kids to make them feel as though they are winners. Parents and coach are beginning to feel obligated to make the kids feel like winners and giving them a false concept of what truly winning means. I propose that we completely remove participation trophies. Kid should work for a reward and not be handed something they didn't earn. I am going to explain the concept of participation trophies, why we should get rid of them, what it does to the kids, personal stories, and a few other different aspects of participation trophies.
A participation trophy is a reward for all kids to get …show more content…

Society has only set them up to fail once they grow up. Allowing everyone to be a winner does not help them in the long run. If we only praise kids for participating and receive an award for it, that is all they will look forward to getting. With the mind set of always getting celebrated for participating, when they grow up they will not be a doer. They will not want to put themselves up against hard challenges because they want to stay within their comfort zone. Losing is a part of life and builds character. Taking losing out of the picture and eliminating that factor for kids causes them to not see the full picture. Creating the mind set of everyone is a winner and there is no losers, is beginning to show greatly in our society. We see these kids graduating college and begin to look for jobs and start a career for themselves. With generation of "winners" go into the real world. They think as though they will jump into that perfect job that pays a nice salary. These kids are graduating and immediately thinking they should be a CEO or owner of a business because they are winners. Unfortunately life doesn't work like that. You have to work your way up the chain. By providing participation trophies for kids, they are not learning how to work for something. Everything must be handed over to them. In life, "you're going to lose more often than you win, even if you're good at something"

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